Long Island Boudoir Photography® - LI’s First BOudoir Studio

The landscape has changed SO much since I first ventured into this niche.

Before I even realized it WAS a niche.

You see, when I started. Boudoir wasn’t even a THING on the east coast.

Not at all.

So I didn’t even know what to call it.

I started in my living room.

For a year, I shot clients in my makeshift home-based studio.

Until the day my husband said quietly, “You know, this thing doesn’t seem to be slowing down. I’d really love my living room back.” LOL

So I got my first commercial studio space.

That’s when I learned that “boudoir” actually was a thing…at least, on the west coast.

Things moved quickly after that. I got my first fine art series published in Carrie Leigh’s NUDE bw magazine — a work of art. She was one of Hugh Hefner’s ex’s. I was so proud to have my crystal ball nude work featured in those beautiful pages.

Then I got published in Newsday Newspaper. One of my pinups graced the entire cover of the Sunday Lifestyle section. WOW.

But you see, the reporters, doing their due diligence were hard pressed to find other photographers who were doing what I was doing full-time. There were dabblers. Photographers who shot boudoir among other things. But really, I was the unicorn. And so it’s fascinating to see other photographers claiming they were the first, the most this or that. They weren’t even a thing when I started.

So flash forward and the scene is so very different. The field is overcrowded.

Every year, the federal trademark I worked so hard to establish and protect - Long Island Boudoir Photography® - gets used and abused. Other photographers tack it on to their business name, trying to blatantly confuse the market. Thankfully, I have a very talented trademark attorney on hand to deal with those issues.

But I remain an original and my clients agree, my work speaks for itself.

My discerning clients can easily tell the difference.

My mission is and has always been to shine a light on the heart and soul of a woman. The inner beauty that radiates out from within. This is not some cheap hotel shoot, not a simple glorification or objectification of women. Not some over sexualized representation of a woman’s body.

Quite the opposite. This is about the power of a woman’s soul. Who she is at her core. How she shines from within. THAT is where feminine power truly resides.

So. I remain patient and resilient. I see through the tire-kickers, bargain-seekers and deal-makers and I wait for the ones who appreciate the art, the heart and soul of what it is I really deliver—transformation. Like a portrait painter of the olden days, I make everything I do about the heart and soul of my client. I seek only to reflect her deepest desires, the core of her being, her essence in the photographs we co-create.

These images MEAN something to my clients in their authenticity, reflection and revelation.

This is no cheap rendition, no soft-porn peddled as art. This is body and soul expression and transformation.

Those who get it, get what I’m doing here.

I hold out for them.

Susan Eckert

Long Island’s Original Boudoir Photographer and Original Boudoir Photography Studio

I offer portraits, branding and boudoir photography for women who wish to express their authentic selves through timeless images that honor their power, their strength and their inner beauty.

I also offer workshops, lectures, and art events that honor and elevate the feminine soul.

If you’d like to stay up to date on upcoming events, be sure to sign up for our occasional newsletter.

Thank you for stopping by.

With love and light,

Susan Eckert

Boudoir Photographer, Women’s Empowerment Coach


Boudoir Photography at Any Age - Boudoir by Susan at LIBP


LI Boudoir Photographer susan answers: What is boudoir?