“2024 Best Long Island Boudoir Photographer”

Funny thing.

I was doing some research last night in the hopes of resolving some tech issues I’ve been having when I came across a directory that scans the web for the best photography websites.

There on one page was a list of “Top Long Island Boudoir Photographers.”

It made me happy to see my name there.

Susan of Long Island Boudoir Photography® studio - highlighted among Long Island & NY best boudoir photographers

Truth be told, I’m a modern industry pioneer.

Why modern?

Because boudoir photography dates back to the 1920s. I don’t think many people realize that.

When I started, there was no boudoir scene to speak of.

Over the first few years it grew to a handful of boudoir photographers.

When I published my book Body & Soul about how life-changing boudoir photography can be (See the book on Amazon there were only a few other books about boudoir photography on the shelves.

And now, the field of boudoir has exploded.

In July I’ll be traveling to North Carolina to teach a group of emerging boudoir photographers the art of storytelling through boudoir posing.

It’s amazing how things are always shifting and evolving.

But one thing has remained steady - I’ve remained true to my purpose - my reason for shooting boudoir photography: I don’t want other women to feel the way I did for too long.

I’d never look in a mirror.

I’d brush my teeth looking down into the sink.

I’d brush my hair with eyes on my hair - careful not to look at my face.

I’d even apply makeup without a mirror.

I waged a quiet war against my own body and felt highly uncomfortable in my own skin.

And yet…

I’d see other women and think “How beautiful they are!”

I’ve come a long way now that I’m a mature woman. But it’s my own journey that helps me help other women.

I understand when they first step into the Long Island Boudoir Photography® studio (see boudoir studio faqs) for their boudoir shoot exactly how they must feel.

I understand the shaking and nervousness that sometimes springs on them unexpectedly.

I understand the inner self-talk and self-doubt that can pop into their brains in a moment’s notice.

And I also understand that as their partner in this intimate photography process, it’s my job to reassure, to gently guide them through poses that restore their confidence, to make their boudoir shoot—which may very well be a once-in-a-lifetime-experience, an empowering one they will remember for the rest of their lives. It’s my goal that every time they look at their boudoir photos, they’ll feel a sense of warmth, pride, confidence, and that they’ll smile...

Because they know that was the moment something transformed for them.

Because through the process they built confidence.

And because for once, as so many of my clients have shared, they finally, and for once, felt truly beautiful.

If you’d like to feel that boost in confidence, peace being in your own skin, or celebrate an achievement—whether that’s weight loss or meeting your fitness goals—say hello and let’s have a chat.


Is a Sexy boudoir shoot on your bucket list?


Boudoir photography can be A form of fine art